The Forum for Agricultural Engineering Innovations
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Analysis of Drive Trains
Model-Based Chiptuning Detection of Diesel Engines 1
M. Hinrichs, P. Pickel, John Deere GmbH, Kaiserslautern
R. Isermann, Institute of Automatic Control, Darmstadt
An Analysis of the Energy Consumption in the High-Pressure System of an Agricultural Tractor through Modeling and Experiment 9
X. Tian, A. Vacca, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA;
S. Fiorati, F. Pintore, CNH Industrial S.p.A, Modena, Italy
Multi-Domain Simulation for the Assessment of the NVH Behaviour of a Tractor with Hydrostatic-Mechanical Power Split Transmission 19
G. Pasch, G. Jacobs, G. Höpfner, J. Berroth, Institute for Machine Elements and Systems
Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen
Methods to evaluate steering performance of agricultural tractors 29
S. Liljenberg, M. Frederiksen, T. H. Langer, Danfoss Power Solutions, Nordborg, Denmark
Tyres and Soil
Soil pressure and pulling be...
Landtechnik Agricultural Engineering overseeding hydrauliks tactor chassis PneuTrac tyres soil pressure split transmission harvesting- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 35–62 Tyres and Soil 35–62
- 63–90 Data Management 63–90
- 119–152 Drives 119–152
- 153–228 Field Robotics 153–228
- 229–264 Operating Systems 229–264
- 265–294 Product Development 265–294
- 295–318 Tractors 295–318
- 319–346 Precision Farming 319–346
- 347–390 Soil and Fertilisation 347–390
- 391–420 Cyber Physical Systems 391–420
- 447–478 Automation Concepts 447–478
- 479–502 Drive Technology 479–502
- 503–526 Tillage and Sowing 503–526
- 527–560 Combine Harvester 527–560
- 561–XVI Communication 561–XVI