The Forum for Agricultural Engineering Innovations
Electrical Systems
Sustainable Agriculture in an Electrifed World – Cradle-to-Grave evaluation of different propulsion systems 1
Understanding the opportunities and challenges of self-driving, electric feld tractors using dynamic discrete-event simulation 9
Design and analysis of a magnetic-electrical power split gearbox for application in an agricultural vehicle 17
Development of a 3-speed gearbox in electric powertrain – Ground drive transmission for a commercial vehicle 23
Data Management
Farmers’ expectations in Precision Farming Technologies – Transfarm 40 online survey 2019 31
Cyber Threats and Cyber Risks in Smart Farming 37
Automatic logging and situation-related evaluation of manufacturer independent machine data 47
Data insight and expert knowledge combined to maximize uptime 55
Max-Eyth-Gesellschaft Agrartechnik MEG Landtechnik Agricultural Engineering propulsion system self-driving electric field tractors agricultural vehicle electric powertrain smart farming machine data soil tillage soil ciltivation ROS2 robots in agriculture forage harvesting- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 31–60 Data Management 31–60
- 61–134 Cultivation 61–134
- 135–156 Forage Harvesting 135–156
- 213–232 Robotics on the Fields 213–232
- 267–302 Vision and Sensing 267–302
- 303–322 Engineering 303–322
- 329–344 Tractor Technologies 329–344
- 345–368 Computer Vision 345–368
- 369–386 Combine Harvester 369–386
- 387–412 Product Development 387–412
- 413–434 Automation 413–434