International Conference on Gears 2022
4th International Conference on Gear Production 2022
Gears bear great responsibility in present times, where the conditions for mechanical engineering and especially for drive technology are changing faster than ever. Megatrends, such as circular economy, decarbonization, green pressure, digitalization, zero waste and several more represent global challenges - but at the same time they are unforeseen opportunities for drives in industry, energy generation and mobility. Gear engineers must find answers to these research questions and provide solutions.
Topics like gear efficiency improvements, performance enhancement of plastic gears, new measurement methods and additive manufacturing are in the focus of the VDI International Conference on Gears 2022 in Garching / Munich. One interesting question is, if we can anticipate break-through innovations to address the challenges above. The opening session of the conference addresses this very question: “What will be the next game-changing innovations and technologies in gear design and production?”.
In the main part of the conference within 40 specialized sessions the latest developments and research results in powertrain industry and academic research are presented and discu...
Roller pairing gear root bending gear test gear mesh excitation grinding zone angular speed helical gears smart gear system downsizing automotive tranmission thread linking bevel and hypoid waer gear geometry optimization FEM analysis- I–XXVIII Titelei/Inhaltsverzeichnis I–XXVIII
- 1–2 Foreword 1–2
- 3–14 Keynotes 3–14
- 75–118 NVH 75–118
- 119–156 EHL contact 119–156
- 265–304 Gear strength 265–304
- 305–342 Wear 305–342
- 343–388 Bevel and hypoid gears 343–388
- 389–432 Planetary gears 389–432
- 469–510 Enhanced testing methods 469–510
- 511–532 Gear dynamics 511–532
- 573–608 FEM analysis 573–608
- 715–762 Friction 715–762
- 903–926 High speed gears 903–926
- 927–1018 Poster Exhibition 927–1018
- 1019–1060 Applications 1019–1060
- 1061–1098 Material properties 1061–1098
- 1099–1148 Gear strength testing 1099–1148
- 1181–1208 Geometry effects 1181–1208
- 1249–1268 Lubrication 1249–1268
- 1269–1304 Tribological investigation 1269–1304
- 1383–1410 Gear soft machining 1383–1410
- 1447–1488 Advances in special gearings 1447–1488
- 1489–1528 Modeling in gear production 1489–1528
- 1529–1568 Measurement technology 1529–1568
- 1569–XL Gear hard machining 1569–XL