Nutzfahrzeuge 2017 – Commercial Vehicles 2017
Truck, Bus, Van, Trailer
The Commercial Vehicle Industry is facing significant challenges in this era of increasing needs for transport of people and goods. The society is changing rapidly, where more people are living in urbanization areas and demanding more smart and sustainable solutions: silent, clean, safe, connected and efficient. Transport of people and goods is the live-blood of our
economy, fulfilling the needs to let people travel to places for work, leisure, healthcare, and others, and transporting products and half-products, distributed on short distance or transported over long haul, to industrial areas to add value and distribute them to end users, households or the individual consumers.
Making use of new technology, like digitalisation and electrification, the Commercial Vehicle Industry improves their products and services in an increasing tempo. Our customers are using the vehicles in a complex environment, making use of sophisticated planning tools, being connected and integrating all...
Nutzfahrzeuge Truck Bus Van Trailer Commercial vehicles human machine interface driver assistance systems automated vehicle energy mangement fresh-air flow electric power-train system- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 1–4 Preface 1–4
- 5–24 E-Mobility 5–24
- 53–78 Automated Driving 53–78
- 79–154 CO2-Reduction 79–154
- 155–196 Trailer + Axles 155–196
- 197–234 Drive Systems & Concepts 197–234
- 235–290 Connectivity 235–290