This work addresses the development of a novel method for bone pose estimation that is both,non-invasive and accurate. The main principal is to palpate three prominent bone protuberancesusing pressure sensor planes attached to the skin. Bone protuberances are approximatedby three ellipsoids that are rigidly attached together. The general formulation of the constraintequations is presented and, as a solution approach, an optimization cost function is proposedallowing bone pose tracking that is insensitive toward input errors. The method is validated invivousing dual fluoroscopy yielding bone tracking precisions in the submillimeter range andbelow 1 degree, thus, reaching the same order of magnitude as state of the art model basedtracking techniques. Finally, the general approach is extended to automatically approximate therigid body bone geometry via pressure sensor palpation that allows to fully circumvent radiationexposure, making this approach universally applicable.
1 Intro...
In-vivo bone motion tracking Non-invasive Skin artifact-free Radiation-free point-model approximation Pressure-foil palpation Three-Ellipsoid 2D-3D registration Pressure point identification- 32–58 5 Validations 32–58
- 61–61 Appendices 61–61
- 66–74 C Validation 66–74
- 75–84 Bibliography 75–84