Entwicklung eines selbstlernenden Assistenzsystems zur automatischen Akquisition von konstruktionsrelevantem Fertigungswissen
Companies within different industries have to face several key challenges, among whichthe demand for shortening the time-to-market whilst decreasing costs and the strong indiviuality and dynamic of globalized markets are highlighted. In order to overcome those challenges companies not only have to optimize their products but also the underlying product development and manufacturing processes. The objective from engineering design point of view is the exchange of design-relevant manufacturing knowlegde between both
disciplines as early as possible. Especially for newly emerging manufacturing technologies common knowledge acquisition methods to assist such knowledge exchange processes fail. This thesis proposes an approach for a self-learning engineering assistance system (referred to as Slassy) for the automatic acquisition of design-relevant manufacturing knowledge. Such knowledge is represented in terms of so-called metamodels. In the context of this thesis a metamodel is cap...
Entwicklung automatische Akquisition Fertigung Design for X Fertigungsgerechtes Konstruieren Blechmassivumformung Data Mining Selbstlernen Automatische Wissensakquisition Assistenzsysteme- 1–5 1 Einleitung 1–5
- 157–163 Anhang 157–163
- 164–184 Literaturverzeichnis 164–184