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Seite 18
 VDI Wissensforum GmbH - Plastics in Automotive Engineering 2016
 VDI Wissensforum GmbH - ELIV 2017

ELIV 2017

Reihe: VDI-Berichte
Band 2299 2017 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
 VDI Wissensforum GmbH - Technische Zuverlässigkeit 2023
Ludmilla Derr - Interactions between enzymes and oxide colloidal particles and their influence on enzymatic activity

Interactions between enzymes and oxide colloidal particles and their influence on enzymatic activity

Band 760 2016 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
Treffer in den folgenden Teilen:
Robert Cichon - Biomechanical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of minimal-invasive Treatment of Hip Joint Diseases

Biomechanical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of minimal-invasive Treatment of Hip Joint Diseases

Band 295 2017 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
Treffer in den folgenden Teilen: