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Seite 7
Oliver Müller - Graphical Model MAP Inference with Continuous Label Space in Computer Vision

Graphical Model MAP Inference with Continuous Label Space in Computer Vision

Band 860 2018 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
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Xiao Zhao - Reactor network synthesis with guaranteed robust performance

Reactor network synthesis with guaranteed robust performance

Band 952 2017 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
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 VDI - Rethinking the circular economy for plastics
VDI (Hrsg.)

Rethinking the circular economy for plastics

Reihe: Blaue Papiere
Band 05/2023 2023 VDI e.V., Düsseldorf
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Roberto D. Henschel - Higher-Order Multiple Object Tracking

Higher-Order Multiple Object Tracking

Band 875 2021 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
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Robert Cichon - Biomechanical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of minimal-invasive Treatment of Hip Joint Diseases

Biomechanical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of minimal-invasive Treatment of Hip Joint Diseases

Band 295 2017 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
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