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GJAE - German Journal of Agricultural Economics

GJAE - German Journal of Agricultural Economics

GJAE Volume 72 (2023) Issue 01 ISSN Online: 2191-4028 dfv Mediengruppe, Frankfurt am Main
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Maren Awiszus - Game Content Generation from a Single Example

Game Content Generation from a Single Example

Volume 880 2023 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
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Karsten Voss, Sebastian Herkel, Doreen Kalz, Thomas Lützkendorf, Anton Maas, Andreas Wagner - Performance von Gebäuden.

Performance von Gebäuden.

2016 Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart
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Sebastian Recker - Systematic and Optimization-Based Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes

Systematic and Optimization-Based Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes

Volume 951 2017 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
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Technische Textilien

Technische Textilien

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Technische Textilien Volume 66 (2023) Issue 3 ISSN Online: 0323-3243 dfv Mediengruppe, Frankfurt am Main
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