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John Grunewald, Technische Universität Dresden - CESBP Central European Symposium on Building Physics / BauSIM 2016.

CESBP Central European Symposium on Building Physics / BauSIM 2016.

2016 Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart
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Gregor A. Scheffler - Validation of hygrothermal material modelling under consideration of the hysteresis of moisture storage.

Validation of hygrothermal material modelling under consideration of the hysteresis of moisture storage.

Volume 2016 Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart
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 VDI Wissensforum GmbH - Diffuse Emissionen 2019


Browse Volumes: Gefahrstoffe
GrdL Volume 79 (2019) Issue 04 ISSN Online: 0949-8036 VDI fachmedien, Düsseldorf
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wt Werkstattstechnik online

wt Werkstattstechnik online

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wt Volume 104 (2014) Issue 6 ISSN Online: 1436-4980 VDI fachmedien, Düsseldorf
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