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Alexandra Schieweck, Tunga Salthammer - Schadstoffe in Museen, Bibliotheken und Archiven.

Schadstoffe in Museen, Bibliotheken und Archiven.

2013 Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart
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Karsten Voss, Sebastian Herkel, Doreen Kalz, Thomas Lützkendorf, Anton Maas, Andreas Wagner - Performance von Gebäuden.

Performance von Gebäuden.

2016 Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart
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Michael Aeberhard - Object-Level Fusion for Surround Environment Perception in Automated Driving Applications

Object-Level Fusion for Surround Environment Perception in Automated Driving Applications

Volume 804 2017 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
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 VDI - Digitalisierung in der Medizintechnik – Herausforderung und Chance
VDI (ed.)

Digitalisierung in der Medizintechnik – Herausforderung und Chance

Series: Blaue Papiere
Volume 02/2024 2024 VDI e.V., Düsseldorf
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Matthias Schreiner - Bayesian Environment Representation, Prediction, and Criticality Assessment for Driver Assistance Systems

Bayesian Environment Representation, Prediction, and Criticality Assessment for Driver Assistance Systems

Volume 797 2016 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
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