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 VDI Wissensforum GmbH - Plastics in Automotive Engineering PIAE EUROPE

Plastics in Automotive Engineering PIAE EUROPE

Series: VDI-Berichte
Volume 2343 2019 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
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wt Werkstattstechnik online

wt Werkstattstechnik online

Browse Volumes: wt Werkstattstechnik online
wt Volume 101 (2011) Issue 7-8 ISSN Online: 1436-4980 VDI fachmedien, Düsseldorf
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Bernhard Geringer, Hanz-Peter Lenz - 39. Internationales Wiener Motorensymposium 26.-27. April 2018

39. Internationales Wiener Motorensymposium 26.-27. April 2018

Volume 807 2018 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
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Hans Erhorn - Entwicklung des energiesparenden Bauens.
Hans Erhorn (ed.)

Entwicklung des energiesparenden Bauens.

2022 Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart
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Patrick Erbts - Partitioned solution strategies for electro-thermo-mechanical problems applied to the field-assisted sintering technology

Partitioned solution strategies for electro-thermo-mechanical problems applied to the field-assisted sintering technology

Volume 345 2016 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
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