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Aron Sommer - Backprojection Autofocus of Large Ships with Arbitrary Motion for Synthetic Aperture Radar

Backprojection Autofocus of Large Ships with Arbitrary Motion for Synthetic Aperture Radar

Volume 867 2020 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
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Wolfram Steinhäuser - Schäden an elastischen und textilen Bodenbelägen.

Schäden an elastischen und textilen Bodenbelägen.

Volume 22 2018 Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart
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VDI energie + umwelt

VDI energie + umwelt

Browse Volumes: VDI energie + umwelt
Veu Volume 1 (2024) Issue 3-4 ISSN Online: 2942-7347 VDI fachmedien, Düsseldorf
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Herwig Unger - Autonomous Systems 2019: An Almanac