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Ergebnisse (1956)
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Seite 1
Anselm Klose - Modulare HAZOP für flexible Anlagen der Prozessindustrie

Modulare HAZOP für flexible Anlagen der Prozessindustrie

Band 479 2023 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
Treffer in den folgenden Teilen:
Berit Müller - Near-net-shape fabrication of open-porous bone replacement materials of calcium phosphate and protein

Near-net-shape fabrication of open-porous bone replacement materials of calcium phosphate and protein

Band 294 2017 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
Treffer in den folgenden Teilen:
Xiao Zhao - Reactor network synthesis with guaranteed robust performance

Reactor network synthesis with guaranteed robust performance

Band 952 2017 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
Treffer in den folgenden Teilen:
Lars Radtke - A partitioned solution approach for fluid-structure interaction problems in the arterial system

A partitioned solution approach for fluid-structure interaction problems in the arterial system

Band 353 2020 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
Treffer in den folgenden Teilen:
Patrick Erbts - Partitioned solution strategies for electro-thermo-mechanical problems applied to the field-assisted sintering technology

Partitioned solution strategies for electro-thermo-mechanical problems applied to the field-assisted sintering technology

Band 345 2016 VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
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