Reifen – Fahrwerk – Fahrbahn
im Spannungsfeld von Sicherheit und Umwelt
Inhalt/Content Keynotes From “W“ cycle to “V“ cycle How do we increase the confidence in the virtual simulation techniques? Simulation and Testing Methods A Proposal for Automated Safety Goal Derivation Using the Example of Chassis Related Hazards Potential of Machine Learning Methods for a Pure Virtual Development of Tire- and Chassis Components Objective Evaluation of Tire Properties: A Novel Interpretation of NHTSA‘s Dynamic Rollover Fishhook Test for Scale-Based Classification of Rollover Criticality Steering Feedback and Behavior A Novel Simulator Setup: Influence of FTire Dynamics on Accurate Steering Behavior Lenkungsrückmeldung im dynamischen Fahrsimulator: Der Einfluss von Lenkradvibration und Fahrzeugbewegung Indoor Testing Concepts for Optimizing Indoor Tire Abrasion Tests on Sandpaper 75 Predicting tire performance on asphalt from indoor measurements 93 Driving Dynamics and Micromobility Design Process of an Evolutionary Chassis System for an Experimental Microcar 109 Advanced Chassis and Vehicle Dynamics Control of the EDAG CityBot - A multifun...
Virtuelle Simulationstechnik Test Methoden automatisierte Sicherheit maschinelles Lernen skalenbasierte Klassifikation Überroll Bedeutung präzises Lenkverhalten Lenkradvibration dynamischer Fahrsimulator virtual simulation technique testing methods automated safety machine learning scale-based classifcation rollover critcality acurate steering behavior steering wheel vibration dynamic driving simulator- 1–2 Keynotes 1–2
- 75–108 Indoor Testing 75–108
- 193–XII Chassis Design 193–XII