A partitioned solution approach for fluid-structure interaction problems in the arterial system
The present work is concerned with the partitioned solution of the multifeld problem arising from a hierarchical modeling approach to cardiovascular fluid-structure interaction. Different strategies to couple the participating feld solvers are investigated in detail. This includes staggered and parallel coupling algorithms as well as different methods for convergence acceleration, spatial interpolation and temporal extrapolation of coupling quantities. In the developed modeling and simulation approach, a fully resolved model of a segment of the arterial network is coupled to reduced order models in order to account for the influence of the surrounding.
There is experimental evidence that hemodynamic quantities such as the wall shear stress promote the progression cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular FSI simulations, that can predict these quantities, are therefore of great interest and can aid in surgical planning and optimization of anastomoses shapes and graft materials.
fluid-structure interaction blood flow partitioned coupling high-order fnite elements- 69–152 4 Numerical methods 69–152
- 220–252 6 Applications 220–252
- 253–256 7 Summary and Outlook 253–256
- 257–268 Appendix 257–268
- 269–288 Bibliography 269–288