Structural components/Strukturbauteile
Development of an energy-absorbing structural element made of polyamide integrated in the plastic front-end carrier of the new Mercedes S-Class ..... 1
Entwicklung eines energieabsorbierenden Strukturelements aus Polyamid integriert im Kunststoff-Frontendträger der neuen Mercedes S-Klasse ..... 5
BAGS: Highly-integrated front-end module carrier ..... 9
BAGS: Hochintegrierter Front End Modulträger ..... 19
Lightweight plastic construction with visible surface as examplified by the Volkswagen ID 3 tailgate ..... 29
Kunststoffleichtbau mit Sichtoberfläche am Beispiel der Heckklappe Volkswagen ID3 ..... 39
Breakthrough in producing soft and sustainable interior surfaces by injection moulding of TPE ..... 49
The all-new MAN high-roof cab – epoxy sandwich RTM – simulated using FEM and crashed under real conditions ..... 61
Epoxid-Sandwich-RTM – FEM gerechnet und real gecrasht ..... 75
Development and validation of a simulation methodology for the prediction of surface defects for plastic components with metallic effect pig...
Strukturbauteile Kunststoffe Oberflächen Leichtbau Heckklpape integrierte Simulation Umwelt Klimafokus Recycling structural components plastics energy absorption lightweight plastic constrution visible surface sustainable interior surfaces metallic effect pigments- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 61–128 Simulation 61–128