Generic Topology Optimization Based on Local State Features
The work at hand addresses engineers, designers and scientists who face the challenging Task of devising concept structures in a virtual product design process that involves more and more sophisticated physical simulations. Using methods of evolutionary optimization and machine learning, this dissertation explores a novel generic topology optimization algorithm, which is able to provide concept designs even for problems involving complex, black-box simulations. A self-contained learning component utilizes physical simulation data to generate a search direction. The generic topology optimization is studied in conjunction with statistical models such as neural networks or support vector regression. In empirical experiments, the novel method reproduces reference structures with Minimum compliance and provides innovative solutions in the domain of vehicle crashworthiness optimization.
Symbols and Abbreviations XIV
Abstract XVII
Zusammenfassung XVIII
1 Introduction 1
2 Fundamentals...
Topology Optimization Concept Design Local State Features Evolutionary / Computation Design Sensitivities Prediction Machine Learning Vehicle Crashworthiness- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 8–28 2 Fundamentals 8–28
- 150–154 7 Conclusions 150–154
- 155–160 A Theory 155–160
- 172–176 C Crashworthiness 172–176
- 177–202 Bibliography 177–202