Untersuchungen zum Beanspruchungsverhalten von Zahnstangengetrieben in PKW-Lenksystemen
Today’s gear teeth design in passenger car steering systems is characterized by the continuing reduction of development times, the increasing demands on the running quality, more efficient use of existing material constraints and the implementation of new lightweight construction strategies. A good understanding of the acting stresses and load capacities form the basis of a save component design. As the first step in the product lifecycle process, the normative calculation procedure plays an important part. Computed downstream calculations using Multi-Body Simulation (MBS) and the Finite Element Method (FEM) are based on the load
assumptions of the analytical program giving a review of the performance quality of the running gear teeth. The standardized calculations mostly refer to a pair of spur gears, whereas the geometric, kinematic and specific bearing characteristics of a steering gear (rack, pinion) are continuously disregarded. With regard to the variety of customer en...
PKW-Lenksystem Beanspruchung Zahnstange Zahnstangengetriebe Lenksysteme Tragfähigkeit ISO 6336 Beanspruchbarkeit Lastverteilung Breitenlastverteilung Verformungseinflussfunktion Wöhlerversuche- 1–6 1 Einleitung 1–6